How do I start a project?

To start a Project, navigate to the Home Page, enter your aircraft registration number in the search field and select Enter. You'll be taken to a page that includes all the modifications available for your specific airplane. To add mods to a Project, select the mods you want to add in the Search Results and choose Continue.

How do I see more details of modifications?

You can see more details for each modification by clicking on the product tile.

How do I get an installation facility to provide a quote for a Project?

When you are happy with the modifications in your Project, select the Request Quotes function at the bottom of the page. Your Project will be sent to applicable installers who will contact you regarding any additional information they need to produce a quote.

Can I export my projects?

Not at the current time. We plan to add this feature in a future release.

Who can I contact if I don't get a response from an installer?

If you are not receiving responses from installers, contact mike@modiflyaero.com for assistance.

Does Modifly only include FAA-approved modifications?

Currently our database only includes FAA-approved supplemental type certificates. We plan to add additional regulatory approvals in future releases.

How do I request for additional modifications to be added to the database?

Send your suggestion to mike@modiflyaero.com and we'll work to get them added.

How do I request new modifications be developed?

Send your suggestion to mike@modiflyaero.com and we'll send your request to the applicable mod developers.

I’m having technical issues, who can I contact?

Please contact support@modiflyaero.com

Have other questions?

Contact mike@modiflyaero.com and we'll do our best to answer them for you.